Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jeopardy Test Review

Okay, today we're going to talk about Economics. It is a semester long course. I had this course my first year of teaching and because I taught it both semesters, not as Govt/Econ on a year calendar, I had almost every senior at a large high school. I'm not going to lie, I thought I would fail miserably since I'm not good at math and had only taken one Economics class in college (shh!). But I was surprised by how much I enjoyed teaching it. My students were really awesome. One activity we did I borrowed from another Social Studies teacher. It's Jeopardy on PowerPoint, including the music and very realistic graphics. Believe me students get a real kick out of it! I divided the class into 3 teams, like the 3 contestants, and students competed on questions we had covered in class. I used small countertop bells for them to ring in their answers and compete for their team. I usually did it as test review. I also used it when I taught U.S. History and even in A.V.I.D. I'd like to use it in the future to review classroom policies and procedures. So it's time for... Stock Market Jeopardy!

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